Marta Adamczyk, Poland
What for you is simplicity? Simplicity is for me to reach the essence of the matter, it is the coherence of form and function, utility and visual attractiveness so pure and clear that it's surprising. What for you is timeless / durability? Searching for truth and beauty in function, shape or material. The timeless object embraces hundreds of years of tradition and will inspire future generations.
The perfect product blends into our everyday life, but looking at it, every time we rediscover how much we like it and how we enjoy using it. How would you characterize an object you would consider passing to your (future) grandchildren? I would choose an object that will have a chance to become part of their own story instead of going to the box with memories. „Simplicity is to reach the essence of the matter. It is the coherence of form and function, utility and visual attractiveness so pure and clear that it's surprising.” Marta Adamczyk