Agnieszka Bar, Poland
What for you is simplicity? Simplicity is understandable in its nature and holistic. It is always when offers us feeling of balance and relax in daily life. What for you is timeless / durability? The measure of durability is not a solid performance that will endure for centuries, but the ability What for you is the perfect product? I reach for the perfect product intuitively, it melt in my life and serves me wisely. Is comfortable and stimulating for my senses. How would you characterize an object you would consider passing to your (future) grandchildren? I would like to convey something close to my heart, containing a timeless story.
„Simplicity is understandable in its nature and holistic. It is always when offers us feeling of balance and relax in daily life. The measure of durability is not a solid performance that will endure for centuries, but the ability to beautiful aging and renew. Things should be in a constant cycle of life and death - just like us. Timeless is when it was, it is, and it will be the current one, for us and somebody else.” Agnieszka Bar